اهلا لكل الناس

1. Attention: the consumer’s worldview determines whether she even bothers to pay attention. If she doesn’t think she needs a new brand of aspirin or a faster computer, she’s far less likely to notice a new one when it appears. 2. Bias: everyone carries around a list of grudges and wishes. When a new product or service appears on your horizon, those predispositions instantly color all the information that comes in. 3. Vernacular: consumers care just as much about how something is said as what is said. They care about the choice of media, the tone of voice, the words that are used—even the way things smell. When the story that’s told to the consumer doesn’t match the vernacular the consumer expects, weird things happen - See more at: http://eltasweeq-3abrelenternet.blogspot.com/2014/05/blog-post_8492.html#sthash.7oXrp9n9.dpuf

النت وسنينه

Attention: the consumer’s worldview determines whether she even bothers to pay attention. If she doesn’t think she needs a new brand of aspirin or a faster computer, she’s far less likely to notice a new one when it appears.
Bias: everyone carries around a list of grudges and wishes. When a new product or service appears on your horizon, those predispositions instantly color all the information that comes in.
Vernacular: consumers care just as much about how something is said as what is said. They care about the choice of media, the tone of voice, the words that are used—even the way things smell. When the story that’s told to the consumer doesn’t match the vernacular the consumer expects, weird things happen

النت وسنينه

Attention: the consumer’s worldview determines whether she even bothers to pay attention. If she doesn’t think she needs a new brand of aspirin or a faster computer, she’s far less likely to notice a new one when it appears.
Bias: everyone carries around a list of grudges and wishes. When a new product or service appears on your horizon, those predispositions instantly color all the information that comes in.
Vernacular: consumers care just as much about how something is said as what is said. They care about the choice of media, the tone of voice, the words that are used—even the way things smell. When the story that’s told to the consumer doesn’t match the vernacular the consumer expects, weird things happen

التسويق من خلال الانترنت




اهلا بكم

ا ابابب نعللال

التسويق عبر الانترنت

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ثاني تجارب القالب
الي هنا سيتم التغيير
مدونه التسويق عبر الانترنت


اهلا بكم في اول اختبار للقالب
حالا سنقوم باعداد بعض التغييرات لكي يتلائم مع ما نحب
نحاول ان شاء الله ان نبذل العديد والعدد من العمل في هذا الموقع لكي نصل الي التميز الذي نريده

اهميه التسويق عبر الانترنت

يعد التسويق عبر الانترنت من اهم الطرق التي يبحث عنها العديد في ايجاد دخل اضافي لهم او العمل من خلال المنزل